Olive Oil, Honey and Almond Ice Cream

Olive Oil, Honey and Almond Ice Cream


500 ml whole milk
400 ml cream
50 g powdered milk
200 g of sugar
6 gems
40 g of honey
3 tablespoons olive oil and sliced almond qb


Start by heating the milk, cream, honey and olive oil until hot (but not boiling).

  1. In another bowl mix the egg yolks with the sugar very well.
  2. Add the egg yolk mixture to the milk mixture, mixing everything very well, taking care not to overcook the egg yolks.
  3. Take it back to the heat until it thickens a little enough to make a kind of road in the cream with a finger, on the back of the spoon.
  4. Remove from heat and let cool completely.
  5. Then prepare the ice cream in an ice cream machine according to the machine manufacturer
  6. Place the ice cream in a bowl alternating with sliced toasted almonds and place in the freezer until serving.
  7. Serve with more laminated almonds and honey.

*If you don't have an ice cream machine, place the ice cream preparation in a serving bowl and sprinkle with toasted laminated almonds. Then, every 2 hours, mix the ice cream in the bowl to prevent ice crystals from forming. Repeat this operation about 3 times.